“The Journal of Classic British Horror Films”
by Richard Klemensen
“This is the most fantastic film . magazine being published….” “…The Greatest Fanzine Ever….”
Cult Movies Magazine MONSTERSCENE Magazine |
Archived Articles
“The Rise and Fall of FAMOUS MONSTERS
#16 – Materials that didn’t make the cut.
Each issue we have to make tough choices on some articles and interviews. This time around, we eliminated the Jimmy Sangster interview because he has several books out and has been interviewed in other mags and books. Still, this interview from 1984 is a pretty interesting read and some photos from Sangster’s own collection. Also, the unfilmed fourth Karnstein story is fun. ★ June 24,
Back issues of LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS are very difficult to obtain, and very expensive. Even though it is our hope someday to present them on CD-ROM, for now in the LSoH Archives, we will showcase interviews and articles from the past for our fans. We start with the first Definitive interview with Hammer’s top director, Terence Fisher. From LSoH #3 in 1974. Dick ★★ Article Archives Coming Soon ★★The back issues of Little Shoppe of Horrors are limited
and few people have been able to get their hands on one long enough to read
it. As if that weren’t bad enough, if
you even find one for sale, some of the earlier issues can cost upwards of
$500. That’s murder for those who just
want to read the issue. Well, Fear Not! We
are going to be periodically posting articles from the back issues. So if you’re one of those who has been
dying to see some of the previous content, REJOICE for your day has come! |
Page last Updated on: August 17, 2006